
While I was doing the Advent of Code 2022, I stumbled upon a pattern that should be expressible in safe Rust, but is beyond the understanding of the borrow checker. Although its use cases are probably rather niche, I still found it potentially useful. Anyway, it’s a good exercise to understand more about the borrow checker, by seeing its limitations.

The problem in question was day 23. I’m going to greatly simplify the problem for the sake of the exercise:

  • You have a potentially infinite array (in both directions) of elves.
  • Every turn, each elf checks whether the space to the right is free, in which case they decide to jump to the right. Otherwise, they do the same to the left.
  • Once each elf has decided, they jump to their destination. In case of conflict (two elves landing in the same spot), both elves stay where they are.

There are of course many ways to model this problem. Because I was (wrongly) feeling particularly smart at the time, I decided to use a hash map to store only the elves, rather than have an array that is resizeable in both directions.1

For reasons that mostly pertain to the exercise, we’ll store the decision of where to jump in each elf in the map2:

type Position = i64;
struct Elf {
  will_jump_to: Option<Position>,

This leads us to having an interesting access pattern for the map: we want to iterate the map and update the values based on the other keys in the map. In other words, we want to write something like:

fn update_jumps(map: &mut HashMap<Position, Elf>) {
  for (position, mut elf) in map.iter_mut() {
    elf.will_jump_to = if map.contains_key(&(position + 1)) {
      Some(position + 1)
    } else if map.contains_key(&(position - 1)) {
      Some(position - 1)
    } else {

Naively writing that will make us run into the borrow checker: we’re holding a &mut reference to map (when we call .iter_mut()), but we’re borrowing it again in map.contains_key!

error[E0502]: cannot borrow `*map` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
 --> src/
7 |   for (position, mut elf) in map.iter_mut() {
  |                              --------------
  |                              |
  |                              mutable borrow occurs here
  |                              mutable borrow later used here
8 |     elf.will_jump_to = if map.contains_key(&(position + 1)) {
  |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ immutable borrow occurs here

Now, there are various ways to solve this problem (see What can I do instead). But let’s assume that we’re stubborn and really want to have this specific access pattern, since it’s convenient to write and we’re pretty convinced it’s safe.

Part 1: in which he’s wrong

First of all: is it actually safe? We need to make sure that there is no memory that is accessed both in a mutable and immutable way at the same time. At a high level, we have a mutable borrow of the map at the same time as an immutable borrow of it, so it would be unsafe. However, the only mutable part of map that we’re accessing is the values, and the only immutable part is the keys (and the structure of the map). The two do not overlap, so the access pattern should be safe.

OR SO IT WOULD SEEM! Actually, the rules are that you cannot form a reference so that there are both a mutable and an immutable one pointing to the same memory, regardless of whether you access it or not. That restricts us much more than before: we have to look at the implementation of the map to see whether we can iterate on the keys (or call contains_key) without ever forming a reference to the value! However, HashMap is implemented on top of hashbrown::hash_map, which underneath is basically a hashbrown::hash_set<(Key, Value)>. Notably, iterating over the keys is just iterating over the &(k, v) and then dropping the value: we have a reference to the tuple, so a reference to the value.

The equivalent code could look like that:

for (position, mut elf) in map.iter_mut() {
  // We have a mutable reference to the value `elf`.

  // Check if map.contains(&(position + 1))
  for key_value in map.iter() {
    let key = &key_value.0;
    if key == position + 1 {
      // do the thing.

The problem is that when we have a reference to key_value, the tuple, we have a reference to the entire memory pointed to by key_value, i.e. to the memory of key and the memory of value. As such, the compiler can make the assumption that no one has a mutable reference to that memory, which is not true. Given that it is undefined behavior, the compiler would be well within its right to “deduce” that since it iterates immutably over all the key-values of the map, the entire map is immutable. Any code that changes anything in that map cannot be called, so there are no side effects to that function (since it doesn’t return anything). The function can thus be compiled to:

fn update_jumps(map: &mut HashMap<Position, Elf>) {}

The compiler (rustc) doesn’t actually (currenty) do that, but it could, that’s the point of undefined behavior. It might work right now, but later a compiler update might implement a smarter optimization that breaks your code. Or compiling with gccrs might not work. Or the tests could pass in debug mode, but your prod app could break in release mode. Who knows what might happen?3

Part 2: in which he uses an imaginary implementation

Now, for the rest of this article, I’m going to assume a different HashMap implementation, one that is implemented as a hash_set<(Key, Box<Value>)> or a hash_set<(Key, value_index)> + a Vec<Value> or something like that.4 Otherwise that’s a fairly short blog post.

Everything that follows is unsafe and unsound with the standard collection’s HashMap.

So, now that we know that it’s Safe™, how do we explain that to the compiler? Well, we have to use unsafe. We can naively get a double reference to map, one mutable and one not:

fn update_jumps(map: &mut MyHashMap<Position, Elf>) {
  for (position, mut elf) in map.iter_mut() {
    let new_jump = if map.contains_key(&(position + 1)) {
      Some(position + 1)
    } else if map.contains_key(&(position - 1)) {
      Some(position - 1)
    } else {
    let mut mutable_elf = unsafe { &*(elf as *Elf) };
    mutable_elf.will_jump_to = new_jump;

That looks like it would work, but it is unsound: we have both a reference to elf and to mut elf at the same time, and in general transmuting from &T to &mut T is never sound.

EDIT: Thanks to /u/A1oso for pointing that out!

What we need is to build a safe interface for the pattern, so that it cannot be misused.

What do we need?

  • An interface to access the immutable part of the map, i.e. the structure and the keys.
  • An interface to access the mutable part of the map, i.e. the values.
  • No way to access anything that will change the structure (e.g. insert, remove).
  • No way to access two arbitrary values mutably at the same time.

The last one is particularly tricky, we’ll see later: it’s important because if we have a mutable reference to a value, we shouldn’t be able to get an immutable reference to the same value, unless we can guarantee that it’s not the same value (if you need this, you probably want a HashMap<Key, RefCell<Value>>).

Part 3: in which he heroically prevents future bugs

So, let’s build the first interface:

pub struct ContainerView<'map, Key, Value> {
    // Immutable reference to the map.
    map: &'map MyHashMap<Key, Value>,

To note here: since we’re holding a reference to the map, we need to say how long the reference will be valid for, so the ContainerView has a lifetime parameter 'map: this is used in the reference declaration map: &'map MyHashMap<Key, Value> to say that the field is a reference that is only valid for the lifetime 'map. As a result, the borrow checker knows that this struct is limited to that lifetime (for instance, it cannot escape the function and outlive the map).

Now we can implement some member functions:

impl<'map, Key: Hash + Eq, Value> ContainerView<'map, Key, Value> {
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn contains_key(&self, k: &Key) -> bool {

    pub fn keys(&self) -> Keys<'_, Key, Value> {

    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

We’re not providing access to anything that can access the keys or modify the structure here.

And the second interface:

pub struct MutMapValueAccessor<'map, Key, Value> {
    map: &'map MyHashMap<Key, Value>,

Same as the first one. Note that we can’t have that reference be mut since we already have a non-mut reference to the map.

impl<'map, Key: Hash + Eq, Value> MutMapValueAccessor<'map, Key, Value> {
    fn cast_value_to_mut(val: &UnsafeCell<Value>) -> &mut Value {
        unsafe { &mut *val.get() }

    pub fn get_mut(&mut self, k: &Key) -> Option<&mut Value> {

    pub fn values_mut(&mut self) -> ValuesMut<'_, Key, Value> {

    pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<'_, Key, Value> {|(k, v)| (k, cast_value_to_mut(v)))

EDIT: In a previous version of this article, cast_value_to_mut took a &Value as argument, and cast it to &mut Value. This is never sound, we need to use UnsafeCell instead. Our imaginary MyHashMap implementation returns UnsafeCells in unsafe_get, unsafe_values and unsafe_iter. Those function should not be public, of course. That has to be built in to the type, the map needs to store the values wrapped in UnsafeCell. As such, you can’t just implement that on top of a standard container.

We can provide get_mut: giving access to one mutable value at a time is okay. Since it borrows self as mut, the lifetime guarantees that we’re not going to have two mutable borrows at once (like the HashMap interface). Note that we only convert into a mutable reference at the very end, when the reference only covers a value. Similarly, implementing values_mut and iter_mut is just a map over the MyHashMap iterator. For iter_mut, we’re also providing immutable references to keys. We can also get them from the ContainerView, but having multiple immutable references is okay.

Putting it all together, we can limit our little bit of unsafe to a safe interface:

pub fn make_mut_accessor<Key: Hash + Eq, Value>(
    map: &mut MyHashMap<Key, Value>,
) -> (
    ContainerView<'_, Key, Value>,
    MutMapValueAccessor<'_, Key, Value>,
) {
    (ContainerView { map }, MutMapValueAccessor { map })

This creates the two views of the map, mutable values and immutable structure. Note that we still take a &mut map, even though we’re only storing &map: semantically, the accessor has a mutable access, so we want to guarantee that no other references exist. In particular, the MutMapValueAccessor should not be publicly constructible, since it allows you to modify the values through an immutable reference.

Now we can re-write our initial function:

fn update_jumps(map: &mut MyHashMap<Position, Elf>) {
  let (container_view, mut value_accessor) = make_mut_accessor(map);
  for (position, mut elf) in value_accessor.iter_mut() {
    elf.will_jump_to = if container_view.contains_key(&(position + 1)) {
      Some(position + 1)
    } else if container_view.contains_key(&(position - 1)) {
      Some(position - 1)
    } else {

And now the bonus questions:

  • Can we implement Clone for ContainerView?5 For MutMapValueAccessor?6
  • Can we derive Debug for ContainerView? What about PartialEq?7


As you saw, it’s very easy to lure yourself through rational reasoning into an actually unsound situation that might lead to bugs way down the line. Whenever you want to go against the borrow checker, it’s best to either suck it up and come up with a different, safe design, or really ask an expert about it. In this case, the good folks at the Rust Discord and on /r/rust helped me see the error of my ways, and there were several mistakes in early drafts of this article.

And if you do end up using unsafe, make sure you install as many barriers as possible to avoid any misuse due to invalidated assumptions.

P.S.: What can I do instead?

In this situation, it depends on your constraints:

  • If you have no control over the function signature (fixed API), you can copy the keys: let positions = map.keys().collect<HashSet<_>>();. Then you can use contains on the positions instead of the map.
  • You can also create a new map instead of updating the old one, functional-programming-style.
  • If you control the API and it’s an internal data structure, the cleanest code might be to change the map to be HashMap<Position, RefCell<Elf>>. Or if you’re recalculating the entire Elf every time, HashMap<Position, Cell<Elf>> avoids runtime borrow checks (at the cost of a clunkier API).
  • A more generic approach that fits many Rust borrow checker issues is to add a layer of indirection through an index: you decouple the mapping from position to elf and the elf storage by having a HashMap<Position, usize> and a Vec<Elf> (or HashMap<usize, Elf> if insertions/deletions are problematic). This is fairly typical for graphs.
  • If you don’t want to compromise on anything but you still control the API, your only option might be to use UnsafeCell to wrap the values of your map. But then it’s up to you to guarantee that the Rust assumptions are upheld, in particular that you don’t have a mutable and immutable reference to the same thing alive at the same time.
  • Finally, sometimes having a long hard look at your domain causes you to completely rethink your data structure! For this problem, I ended up using a Big Enough™ pre-allocated Vec<Option<Elf>> for every possible Position. That made the code run much faster since the memory access pattern was more localized, more predictable, and much less time was spent hashing integers over and over again.

  1. I ended up with just a very big array with plenty of space, and no dynamic growth needed. It was much faster. But still, given the right starting conditions, the map could have been the right choice! ↩︎

  2. There are better ways to model the problem, including separating the mutable state from the position of the elves and producing a map of Position to Position representing the jumps. Having the inverse map would be even more helpful to detect collisions, but that’s not the point here. ↩︎

  3. I haven’t actually run into problems with this code, but it might depend on the follow-up access pattern, the optimization level, the CPU architecture or the phase of the moon. You’re in uncharted territory here, don’t blame me if it crashes. ↩︎

  4. The key difference here is that iterating over the key doesn’t iterate over the values at the same time, because of the indirection. It’s not compatible with the API of HashMap, since it provides an iterator over &(Key, Value) which is exactly the thing we want to avoid. But hey, we’re in fantasy land, we can come up with the API we want! ↩︎

  5. Yes, we can just copy the reference. It’s okay to have several immutable references to the map. ↩︎

  6. No, that would lead to multiple mutable references to the map. ↩︎

  7. No for both, since that would require at some point to have an immutable reference to a value, and we already have a mutable one in MutMapValueAccessor. Of course, you could always implement Debug or PartialEq, but you’d have to be careful to never use the values of the map. ↩︎