What is the best programming language? Why is Vim better than Emacs? Tabs or spaces? Static or dynamic typing? The answer to all these questions and more on “Confused bit”.

This blog is a place to host and share my thoughts on software, crafting, and my experience with various projects. It may or may not be entirely devoid of non irrelevant content for the wrong audience. Confused? So am I. Welcome to a world where we don’t know what we’re doing, and we just hope our code doesn’t crash in prod.

Some of the things that I might talk about on this blog:

  • I am, or I aspire to be, a careful coder (as opposed to “move fast and break things”). But I also know that to err is to be human, so I try to get the compiler to tell me when I’m doing something wrong (so yes, I prefer static to dynamic typing).
  • I will probably talk about my side project LLDAP at some point, since it’s the bulk of my open source activity these days.
  • But also I’ll try to share interesting things that I come across, and my thoughts on them. Hopefully, by being longer form than a comment on somebody’s website, they will be a bit more rounded than the average internet interaction.